This page contains images of two
of the several sets created for the Launch of the new Spanish language
television network Sbs.
This is the set for the Program "Polos
Opuestos". (Opposite Poles) This is a debate show moderated
by the host. The final judgment is made by votes from the live audience
and included a celebrity guest as tie breaker if necessary. This
set design also included the audience seating and celebrity guest

View of the set during the initial pre-light.
This set was designed for the "La Musica"
The concept of the show is music rating event where viewers call
in to vote on their favorite music video's. As the votes are tallied
the videos move up the screens to the top spot.
Sbs had specific requirements for
the look of the set, one of which was to tie elements of the show's
opening animation to the actual live action set. In addition, an
interview area for the hosts and guests was required. As always,
studio space was at a premium and the interview area needed to be
incorporated within the set. This choice allows the working set
to play as the backdrop for the guest spots, and also keeps the
whole unit within the confines of the available space. The circular
seating allows for different shooting angles producing variation
in the areas that can be used for the backdrop.
